Saturday, March 30, 2019

Growing Jobs opportunities in legal education today.


The Economic Times reports that the once beloved darling of the middle class, the engineering career is in jeopardy. “India is in the middle of an engineering education crisis. There will be around 80,000 less seats in engineering this year in the country. This will lead to around 3.1 lakh seats less in four years.”  When you factor in the costs of IIT training and tuition fees, along with how incredibly hard it is to crack it, engineering is now fading into the distance. When you factor in the critical shortage of medical training facilities, and the rocketing price for M.D. admissions, it becomes sadly evident that the medical career is also becoming a distant dream for all but the creme de la creme of society who can afford it.
You are a dynamic thinker, a go getter and an ambitious individual. You want to do more than just the usual, and have a distinctive job. Where to go then? The legal profession welcomes all meticulous, free spirited, unorthodox thinkers and analytical problem solvers. Gone are the days when the legal profession was looked upon with derision, and treated as a “three by five”, an allusion to the lack of monetary income for lawyers, leading to want of basic necessities. Today however, some of the most influential, smart, richest individuals in the world happen to have a law degree. Why is this the case? A legal education doesn’t merely provide foundational legal theory, but also introduces one to numerous forms of logical reasoning, critical thinking, analytical skills, comprehension skills, dissenting and articulating opinions, processing and dissemination of information after verifying the veracity, and importantly, a platform for social change.

Today, candidates from a wide socio-economic continuum want to pursue competitive seats in the finest legal institutes of the country. Usually most derive inspiration from family members or famous fictional lawyers like Paul Madriani or Perry Mason; OR they will have an idealistic dream to reform society for the better. 

At present, there are only 50,000 or so students competing for seats in the 21 most prestigious national law schools of the country. The legal tide is about to rise to a crescendo, and hit the big times. It is in its nascent stages bubbling with the promise of a brighter, more lucrative tomorrow. The job opportunities in this field are immense. One can work in the litigation field, judiciary field; one may work for the Government in an official capacity, one may work in legal journalism or as a legal researcher; you may also opt to become a tax consultant, corporate advisory, join the forensics departments, join the financial audits and forensics team of corporate houses, become a human rights researcher and policy reformer, or go into entertainment law, sports law, cyber law. Lawyers have a smorgasbord of options to choose from, whether it is civil law, criminal law, corporate law, or even a new field that may be an amalgam of these. Jurisdictions are reaching new frontiers, where no man has gone before. Space law is huge, and lawyers can be hired to hash out the elements of space law, develop the legislative framework in their respective countries and be a real deal maker in the history books.
Whatever the era maybe, lawyers have always left a  mark on society. While graduating in Law earlier meant getting into litigation or judiciary fields, it now opens up a big pool of socio-economic opportunities. 

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